We had a good weekend. On Saturday, Martin's brother came to stay with us before the marathon on Sunday. He got here in time to help get the house ready for the ten girls who would celebrate Valentine's day with us. I'm sure it was exactly the relaxing day he expected before the big race! The girls made heart shaped pizzas, decorated cupcakes, made Valentine cards, played lots of games, watched the Charlie Brown Valentine's special and ate popcorn. Mat helped throughout the party and was very popular with the girls. He seemed to enjoy himself - perhaps a bit too much with the crafts?? Seriously Mat, thanks for being here and helping out. The party was fun and it was LOUD!
Thank goodness Mom came to help as well. She just got back this week from a 3-week cruise in Australia and New Zealand so it was good to spend some time with her - we've been missing her lots! I think this was about the only time in four hours she sat down - and then she had a lap full of baby Kiley :).
Speaking of Kiley... this past Wednesday (the 11th), she rolled over for the first time. All the way over and pulled her bottom arm out and arched up. I got a picture before she got unhappy being on her tummy.

In addition to rolling over, she is giggling (my favorite sound in the whole world right now), sucking on her fist, just starting to grab her toes, and playing with toys that she can pull, put in her mouth, etc.

And, on Sunday she went to her first marathon. I wonder if she'll be a runner like her Daddy. He wasn't planning to run at all, but he ended up meeting his Dad at mile 7 to support him and running with him to the finish line.

There were four official runners in their gang this year - Matthew, Grandpa, Ryan (Jacqueline's husband) and Wendy, Ryan's sister who is training for the Iron Man in Idaho this summer with Ryan's help. Mat finished in 3:50 and Wendy & Ryan in about 4:15 - pretty incredible!!