Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back to the Gym

Today was my first day back in the gym in a lloooooonnnnggggg time. I LOVE that my friend Kristi is willing to work out with me again. It made it easy to fall back into things, even when I didn't want to shove my big butt into workout clothes this morning. Unfortunately, it was legs today, which is not an ideal way to jump back in... but, oh well. I figured I'd write about it today instead of tomorrow when it takes all of my effort just to stand up out of bed. Martin is also starting to run again after taking time off for family and to heal a really badly sprained ankle from last fall that stayed swollen for months. We'll keep you posted on our progress.

So, who weighs 17 pounds, 6 ounces and is the cutest chunky monkey on the planet?? You guessed it! Kiley had her four month check-up yesterday. She got two shots and an oral, liquid vaccine and weighed in at a size that is, once again, off the charts. She has started really grabbing at things, working her arms, drooling like a fiend and taking a pacifier. She talks to us and laughs with (at?) us. She bounces up and down when we hold her upright and she rolls side to side. She has lots of dark hair and is kind of going bald in back the way babies do when they rub their hair off from turning their head, but she's got this comb-over thing going on so it's not horribly noticeable (although that's not a style I would typically recommend).

Jake had a big homework project due yesterday. He had to have a timeline for his life with a big event for each year - starting in '99 and ending in '09 - so 11 in all. I had to come up with pictures to correspond, and this is our '09 picture with the milestone being the start of guitar lessons. It took him about an hour to do the captions to describe each of the pictures or events and it took me about three hours to find and scan old photos, resize, print, etc. Also this weekend, we had a girl scout cookie booth on Saturday. It was cold and the little one was wrapped up like a burrito, but Sydney sold 41 boxes of cookies and surpassed her goal of 180 boxes. I was proud of her - I told her last week she was 27 boxes shy of her goal and if she wanted to hit it she would have to do a booth or really hit the phone & door-to-door sales. She wanted to go for it, which made it worth sitting in the cold for two hours. Thanks to all who bought cookies - and thank goodness the sale ends on Friday. That alone will do wonders for my weight watchers progress!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

We had a good weekend. On Saturday, Martin's brother came to stay with us before the marathon on Sunday. He got here in time to help get the house ready for the ten girls who would celebrate Valentine's day with us. I'm sure it was exactly the relaxing day he expected before the big race! The girls made heart shaped pizzas, decorated cupcakes, made Valentine cards, played lots of games, watched the Charlie Brown Valentine's special and ate popcorn. Mat helped throughout the party and was very popular with the girls. He seemed to enjoy himself - perhaps a bit too much with the crafts?? Seriously Mat, thanks for being here and helping out. The party was fun and it was LOUD!

Thank goodness Mom came to help as well. She just got back this week from a 3-week cruise in Australia and New Zealand so it was good to spend some time with her - we've been missing her lots! I think this was about the only time in four hours she sat down - and then she had a lap full of baby Kiley :).

Speaking of Kiley... this past Wednesday (the 11th), she rolled over for the first time. All the way over and pulled her bottom arm out and arched up. I got a picture before she got unhappy being on her tummy. In addition to rolling over, she is giggling (my favorite sound in the whole world right now), sucking on her fist, just starting to grab her toes, and playing with toys that she can pull, put in her mouth, etc.

And, on Sunday she went to her first marathon. I wonder if she'll be a runner like her Daddy. He wasn't planning to run at all, but he ended up meeting his Dad at mile 7 to support him and running with him to the finish line. There were four official runners in their gang this year - Matthew, Grandpa, Ryan (Jacqueline's husband) and Wendy, Ryan's sister who is training for the Iron Man in Idaho this summer with Ryan's help. Mat finished in 3:50 and Wendy & Ryan in about 4:15 - pretty incredible!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Over 100 days, hitting the 450 mark, milestones

Kiley is just over 100 days old, I know it's hard to believe. Hard for me to believe. She is quite the special little girl and all of us are still enchanted with the little angel. When you see her smile and laugh you can't help but do it yourself. The mornings are typically extra special, so much so that I find it difficult to leave for work. She is laughing and giggling (that's something she's started recently and it's darling) and talking. She is never short on things to say. She'll be very much like her brother if she keeps it up. It's pretty cute. Sydney and Jake are still enchanted by her and often exchange words on who gets to hold her, when and for how long.

Today was the Pinewood Derby. Jake built a killer car. He called it the wedge and it was just that. He let me help him build it but it was completely his design. I am impressed that so many boys/dads participate in this annual event. When I was growing up the derby was something so far our of reach. I thought it only happened millions of miles away, we weren't quite as organized as the troop that Jake is part of. The track is amazing and I'm so happy to enjoy it with Jake. It's a three lane track with each car starting on an inclined plane. The troop and den leaders take the race very seriously and go out of their way to make sure every boy has a fair shot. It's a wonderful time of the year.

Jake's car is second in this heat

Sydney is selling girl scout cookies again this year. She's doing great and has a goal of 180 boxes. It's pretty ambitious but she is really trying to reach it. Courtney has been helping to encourage her and taking her and her friends into the neighborhood to have the best opportunity she can. My favorite are what were previously called the do see dos, they are the peanut butter sandwiches which by the way are perfectly safe. If you want to buy some please let me know. I want to do my part too. :)

Tomorrow is the 450th day of our marriage. I like to keep track of our days together because, my wife loves me for all my faults and supports me in all my dreams and crazy ideas about trying to be the best papa I can. She is an angel to our children and keeps the house functioning like an atomic clock. I honestly don't know how she keeps it all straight, just your typical, taking kids to tutoring, guitar lessons, organizing play dates, making dinner almost every night, remembering important dates, setting up photo shoots for our peanut, just overall managing to look after the whole family, and still have time for her own work and looking after our new little one. She's amazing. I can barely remember to get my oil changed. I love her.

Tonight we went to dinner at the first place where we professed our love to one another and decided to truly trust each other. It's one of our favorite spots. I love her very much.

Kiley is standing, with a little help from us, but only for balance. She is giggling, smiling, following us around the room with her eyes, responding to our voices, and gradually getting into a sleep and feeding rythym. She's quite a girl. :)