She's scooting all over the house now and she's fast! It's hard to keep up with her. We bought a few more toys this weekend - one to keep her contained and one to keep her entertained. We've started baby-proofing but still have quite a bit to do. She's not opening cabinets yet so that's a plus! She's splashed in the dog water at least twice and she'll play in the dog food bowls or suck on the edge of our flip flops if we're not careful.
Kiley's sweet face peering over the coffee table after she pulls up
Jake and Sydney have three more days of school! I am excited about summer and enjoying less homework and more goofing as we've reached the end of the school year. I'm a little apprehensive about juggling work and a baby along with an 8 and almost 10-year-old this summer. But, I think with Megan's help during the day and Martin's total willingness to walk in the door and jump right in, we'll have a good one. A lot of people have asked how the nanny is working out and she's wonderful!
Part of my stress about summer is not being able to leave Kiley for more than 2-3 hours at a time. I haven't had success with pumping because it's like my body just 'knows' when it's my baby and when it's not, but I may have hit a jackpot this week... Kiley has slept twelve hours through the night - without any parental intervention - for the past three nights!!! This morning I was so full and achy that I pumped on one side and got 5 ounces of milk (sorry if that's too much info for anyone). If I can keep that up and not let my body adjust down to what she will eat then I might be able to have some reserves that give me a bit more freedom. I hadn't worried about it because I thought she'd be well on her way to eating mostly solid food by now but since she's not, it's become more of a concern with summer coming.
On a totally random note, I have been hoping to get a photo of Kiley sucking on her toes. I have one of Sydney at about 4-5 months in an outfit that I saved and that Kiley has worn as well. I wanted to frame the pictures side by side but no luck and now Kiley has outgrown the outfit. However, we did finally catch K's toe-sucking on camera this weekend. I don't know why I find it so funny and fascinating (was I ever that flexible??!!) but I do...
On the camera are pictures of Kiley's reaction to watermelon and of her first hair cut. Check back for those in our next post.
Also exciting to us this month is the fact that we bought a piano and Sydney is taking lessons. She's only had a few, but went to a recital practice this week and played Mary Had a Little Lamb in front of about 40 other kids. She will decide this week whether to play at the recital with the parents. I decided it could be her choice this time only since she just started playing earlier this month and since she did the practice with the other kids. If she performs, we'll be sure to get pictures.
Jake has his first guitar recital in a couple of weeks. He is also signed up for LaCrosse this summer for the first time and is very excited.