I can't thank you all enough for the feedback on the logos. I had one person work with me on these and I wasn't thrilled with her throughout the process, but in the end I think she gave me some good ideas to play with. I am awaiting another three design concepts from another designer, but I wanted to have something to use for a business card for the Austin InnoTech conference on Thursday. So, I incorporated as much of your input as I could and merged the ideas from several of the designs. I actually am using a couple of them - one for the business card and then potentially one for my website. This could all change depending on what I get back next week, but I am happy with what I have for now. (I put all of the comments at the end of the post - if you go to the bottom, you can see what I thought about some of the designs I didn't use. It was a tough call and I really liked the font in #2 and the clean look of #6 as well.)
Here is the business card that I sent off to the printer last night:
A coordinating logo that I can use in the header when I redo my website:
Karen C. posted a comment on the blog with her vote for #2 & #4 and Kristen for #2 & #5.
Kelly K Clark - I am posting my thoughts here. I like 1 and 2. 2 the best. :)
Sonja Kraeff - #2 and #6
Erin Oman Patterson - I like #1 and #6 best, with #2 coming in at a close third.
Courtney Ryan Ortiz - Thanks so much for the feedback - I really appreciate it! (Please keep it coming!) Something I probably should have said too is that it is for my IT consulting business - the current site is http://www.starlightsystems.com.
Ritu Machavarapu - #1 and #2. Like the font of #2
Mona Goodwin Yamasaki - for a professional look that is more in-line with the industry we operate in... i think 4 and 5 look good... the others are pretty, but wouldn't really provoke the image you would want in the professional services industry.... i like the colors, too..
Mary Keglovits Mathieu - I like #1 the best by far, with #3 in second. White lettering on a yellow background is more eyecatching, I believe, than a black/graytone on white. I prefer #1 to #3 because it adds the image of the star which will help people with recall of your company name.
Melanie Watkins Cravey - #6
Shannon Romo Soliz - #4 the best - then #3
Ed Mello - #6 clean but stylish, will reproduce easily on paper
Dawn Kuntschik Gunn - #3 caught my eye first...I #5 as well.
Courtney Ryan Ortiz - You all are awesome. Thank you to every one that took time to look at these. I am a novice when it comes to graphic design and so it helped a lot to get your input. I incorpated aspects of #1, 3, 4, and 5 into the final designs. I love the font in #2 but think that's just not a fit for the kind of biz I'm in. #6 was the first one that the designer did for me that I really liked, but when I played with it on my website mock-ups, it just didn't stand out. For now at least, it's more about a web presence than print materials. Thanks again!