Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good day with Kiley

This weekend Courtney spent some time with her girlies, so kiley and I were on our own with the bigger kiddos at their dad's house.  Kiley is in bed now sleeping.  It's fun watching her sleep on the monitor.  Today I thought she was napping but when i looked over i saw her sitting in her bed quietly doing the same thing I was doing.  Reading a book.  I watched her for a while then went up to interrupt her reading.  She is always so cute when you first enter her room.  she ducks down and hides, so i usually do the same and crawl along the floor up to her bed.  it's pretty funny.  She seems to enjoy her crib quite a bit (thank you mona!!)

She's there again now but this time definitely sleeping.  Today we had some breakfast with our AustinONE friends trying to organize a new leadership team. It was a brief meeting but very productive.  Keep you ears to the ground for the next event date.

After that we came home and played a bit.  She is really loving books these days.  It makes us happy that she is so interested in them.  So i read her a couple while she sat in my lap.  She doesn't often sit still but she was willing enough this time.

After eating a quick snack she went up for her nap.  She slept a couple of hours which is pretty typical.  Courtney called me on her way to a pedicure with her friends.  She caught me at the perfect time.  It was such a nice conversation.  Thanks for calling love. :)

So after kiley got up and we had some yummy lunch we got ready for a run.  I wasn't sure how long we were going out but I was willing to go as long as i was sure she would be happy.  We took my phone and played some music.  I was a little worried it would end up in the street but if it was keeping her dancing it would have been worth it.  I love watching her dance.  She danced, she played with our sunglasses, sang.....she seemed very happy.  We saw some puppies and some birds and a plane flying overhead.  It was a good run.  We ended up going for a whole hour before finishing at trailhead park.  fun fun fun.  I don't think i could have gone much longer today.  I'm just not where I have been in the past but I'm going to work on it a little harder now that the weather is getting warmer and I can load up kiley in the running stroller (thanks again mona!!!) and hit the road.

So kiley and i made it for an hour.  That was huge.  Kiley has never gone for an hour and if she can do that I'm sure that she can go longer.  Recently it's been a barrier of ours.  We ran up and down hills around the neighborhood and as we were getting close to the park we were really feeling a burn in our legs.  Breathing was fine, our muscles were screaming, but we kept going.  As i know we can.  you keep telling yourself to relax and focus on form.  your running form can carry through those tough times.  Kiley did wonderfully and we made it to the park.

We swang on the swings, played on the slides, watched some big kids play basketball while we sat and had a snack and drank our sippy cup.  Then before we left we went over to watch some big kids play some soccer.

We took the short run back to the house and played some more, before dinner.  Spinach balls, cheese, beans, tomatoes and some yogurt for dessert.  Yum Yum.  right kiley? perfect for after a workout.

Then while were playing some more....we play a lot as you might have picked up...V and Sam skyped us.  We chatted for a while and they got to see how kiley has grown and talks.  She raised her eyebrows at them and blew kisses.  she is so stinkin' cute!!!

If I'm going to be up much longer I'm going to have to make me a cappicino (courtney got me this incredible espresso machine for my really, makes coffee the same if not better than starbucks..I'm not really I'm not exaggerating!!!)  Anyway, I think i need one. :)  my legs are tired tired tired!!!!

It was a good day.