Friday, October 29, 2010

Cowgirl Kiley

Our little angel went all out this morning. At school they had a pumpkin patch so that the little munchkins could pick a pumpkin to decorate in class today. They were all so cute in their costumes.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New House?

We are hoping to sign a contract on a new house in our same neighborhood this week. The property is shown here. I've been kind of secretly looking since the start of summer, mostly because Kiley's room is really small and it's hard to work from home with her here and without a door that closes for an office. But, also would like our house to the where the kids and their friends hang out, and this one has a pool and truly a floor plan that is perfect for our family and guests (we'd actually have a guest room!). 
We thought the deal was dead but their realtor called back and it sounds like there's a chance they will come down to a price with which we are happy. We should know by the end of the week. Say a prayer for us, dance a jig (ha!), cross your fingers...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kiley holding a balloon and watching Barney

Kiley's first text


Today is Kiley's Birthday! Yay Kiley!

Happy day day Kiley!

She was in such a happy mood today with her balloons and yummy breakfast snack.

Having fun at Jim's on Kiley's Birthday

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Piano time

Kiley practices day and night with no time for little things like pants. She did have time for her wings though. :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

The line

Thank you God for strong legs, a strong heart, and quick feet.....and great power songs.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marathon Training

The other day, I can't remember how we got on the topic, Jake asked if I was going to do another marathon. After considering it, I decided it was time to dust off the ol' clown shoes (My red, orange and Yellow Nike 5.0s - That's how Kiley knows them) and really make a go of it. I've been very inconsistent in my running for a long time and I know that I'm capable of so much better than my last few tries.

So this week I made a decision to do the upcoming Austin Marathon. I don't want to give it an average try or just do it because I know that I can do the distance but I really want to see what I'm capable of at 4 centuries into the game.

Step one...miles miles miles. so over the next few weeks that's what I'll be focusing on. I have a lot of time until February rolls around and hope to have a good mix of really tiring strong efforts and some good rest days to keep my strength up.

On Sunday night I went on a quick run. It was difficult but really nice to be out on the road and not have to navigate the sidewalks. When I'm pushing Kiley I tend to stay off the road for obvious reasons. I was able to grab onto that line and let it carry me along with some groovy upbeat tunes playing in my ears.

I'll check in periodically to let our readers know how it's going. :)