Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Number 6

Yesterday Kiley turned 6. Pretty amazing that such a short while ago.... Everyone says that don't they. :)  and it's true. Time moves very quickly. When I think about how quickly jake and syd have grown its wild. I first met them when they were in 1st and kinder and now they are teenagers. 

Jake has tried his hand at sports and didn't quite find his groove. He's traveled the world to many places most adults have not visited in a lifetime. He's started a business venture where we saw him mature in ways I could not have imagined. It didn't take off this time but he's looking for the next big thing. We can already call him an entrepreneur and he's only in ninth grade.

Syd has visited the same places as jake and more. She has developed into an incredible athlete where she uses her height and size to her advantage. She is a force to be reckoned with. She has a love for animals that is so sweet. She has a hamster and bunny that she cares for each day. And two beastly dogs that love to dance with her and slobber her. I think she secretly likes it. 

Kiley has learned so much from them in these six years. Jake teaches her the ways if the world each day. He says. "Kiley have fun in elementary school because it becomes work after that". He says, "Kiley, you don't have to follow all the rules. Be yourself."  Sydney has taught her competition. She doesn't let her win without a fight. When they play in the pool Kiley has to work really hard to hold her own in finding rockets on the bottom or racing across the pool. Syd keeps her focused and sometimes frustrates her but all in the spirit of competition. Because of that Kiley is playing soccer, doing competitive dance, she swam on a team this summer and wants to continue doing that, and did her first triathlon a couple of months ago. She says swimming is her favorite so we'll keep her busy with that after soccer finishes in November. 

And now she's six... At her chuck e cheese party her sweet brother and sister and some of friends combined their winnings to get her the biggest slinky ever. She loves it. It's impossible to know what she'll be like when she's a teenager but if she follows in her siblings footsteps she'll be doing very well. 

Happy 6ixth birthday sweet girlie. 

Made from a scratch except for Ariel (syd and mom)

Lots of friends

Actual birthday dinner. 

Crazy girl at school lunch

Spying through the blinds (ballet, one of three dance classes each week)