Saturday, May 31, 2008

Random Update

We've had a busy couple of weeks. Martin had to do a phone system installation out in Taylor which meant he didn't have to travel but was working from very early in the morning to late at night many work days in the last two weeks. The kids hardly saw him and I saw him slightly more given that several nights I was asleep by 9 and he wasn't home yet. We missed him!!

The kids had their last day of school yesterday - complete with junk food celebrations, movies in the classroom, and a picnic in the park involving a reptile presentation including lots of snakes and other creepy critters. Unfortunately, I didn't take the camera but a good time was had by all.

Tuesday of this week, we went to the Dr. again just for our monthly check. These visits are quick for us and we've never had any issues. They take blood pressure and then get a weight and urine sample - which they check for protein or sugar, I believe, which could indicate issues including gestational diabetes. Then, the Dr. comes in and uses a doppler device to listen to the heartbeat and checks for size and proper growth of the uterus and baby. We heard a strong heartbeat and the Dr. observed LOTS of movement and said both were good signs. I've gained more weight than I'd prefer, but I've lost it before and I'll lose it again...

We scheduled the sonogram for this coming Friday at 8AM and will again take the kids and my Mom. The results of our first sonogram and genetic screening from a couple of months ago showed our chances of having a baby with Downs Syndrome to be 1 in 260. The official cut-off that our lab gave for it being a "positive" screen (not what you want) is 1 in 250, so we were just outside that range. I googled and found sites that listed the cut-off as 1 in 270 and I worried for a day or two, but ultimately decided that we saw enough indicators of a healthy baby that we just weren't going to focus on the possibility of an issue. We decided not to do any further testing (amnio or CVS test) that carries a risk to the baby of between a 1 in 200 or 1 in 300 chance of miscarriage. Our Dr. (whom I respect and trust immensely) is very matter-of-fact and told us that any major issues will be revealed by this upcoming sonogram. Best of all, we get to confirm the sex so we can get serious about naming the baby, registering for a shower, and preparing the nursery - FUN!

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