Kiley turned 1 on October 21st. After tomorrow, we'll be able to update her stats - where she is in growth compared to others, etc. We actually missed her previously scheduled appointment. I kind of feel like I'm losing it lately trying to keep up with our calendar, and I've missed more than one thing like that, which is unusual for me. But, we do have lots of fun pics to show for all of our busy-ness. Here are some starting with the Birthday, which spanned actually a period of weeks as we celebrated with Martin's family at the wedding, then our little family on the actual day, and finally with my family this past weekend. I will post pictures of that final celebration next time. We know Kiley loves cake and chocolate and she's had way more than any one-year-old probably should, but surely she'll have her share of indulgences being the youngest of three.

The kids each picked out two things for her - Sydney got her a stuffed dog and another stuffed thing (not sure what you'd call it). Jake got her a talking Winnie the Pooh book and a Santa outfit, which we had to try on, of course.
Matthew stayed with us while he did the Longhorn 1/2 IronMan

Martin and I have been trying to have a weekly date night, and we went out with friends on Friday night. We went for dinner at Cover 3 and then to the Cool River costume contest, where we saw some amazing sights and got a few fun pictures.
My beautiful girlie friends
random costumes - the MJ one was really freaky
random guy sleeping at Cool River before midnight - poor guy!

For Halloween, Jake was with his Dad again this year, and again, we went to celebrate with friends at their house. Thanks so much to Karen & Bryan for another great year of tricks and treats!
And a short little video of the peanut toddling around with Abby's candy basket:
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