Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Kiley words....

I know that some of these have been already listed at some point but it's fun nonetheless to listen to her explore language.

Baby, puppy, hot, good, no more, light, ducky, Go Go Go, out (like take out of the purse), manana (as in banana), mine, bow.

Go go go is pretty funny. she does that when she get's behind the wheel of a car. Ha!!!

Today while with Megan, her nanny, she said, "mine". There was a boy with a shovel or a bucket, i forget, and she walked over to him, took it, and said "mine".

Sometimes she walks around with one of Sydney's oversized puppies, dragging most of it behind her saying, puppy, puppy, puppy....over and over again. She'll also hug it like she does the real oversized puppies of ours and give it kisses. she is awfully sweet.

She recognizes all lights but there are two in particular that she wants turned on when she is eating. One in the dining room and the other above the stove.

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