So much has happened since I last posted. I'm sure Courtney feels the same way....we often think of posting something but finding the time, even for a few minutes, is sometimes difficult. So I'm going to try to catching up little by little. I know I've forgotten so much so the next few postings will definitely be a hodge podge. I'm going to do the really big stuff first, 'cause, there have been some important things.
We had a couple of losses recently. My last grandparent died last Sunday and we lost Magoo as well. Magoo was a puppy that Courtney has had for longer than any of the kiddos. She was really part of our family. We put her to sleep. She couldn't walk and was eating and drinking very little. It was time. It's very hard to talk about either so I'm just going to post some pictures.

Magoo, Courtney, Boo (Magoo's mom), Martin
Our little Magoo was Boo's puppy. Courtney rescued Boo and found out she was pregnant. Out of all the others she decided to keep Magoo 'cause she was so spunky.
Kiley when she was much younger with her Great Grandma.