Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kiley's newest words

There are so many new words that Kiley is using these days.  I'm surprised everyday on what new thing she has learned and love seeing that process in our little angel.  Some words she is now using pretty consistently....

up the stairs
boom boom (trampoline)
apple juice
stoller / run / park (all of which mean lets head to the park)
beans (sometimes meaning green beans, black beans)

star (as in twinkle twinkle, which she also sings)
taco (comes out taa-ko)

mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy!  is pretty common too.

She's started singing more too.  one of her favorite tunes these days is to the tune of happy birthday.  We all like her version better.

happy day day to you, happy day day to you, happy day day to kiley.....  it is so incredibly precious.  Sometimes she'll sit and bang on the piano while she sings (I have to find that video and post it) so sooooo cute!!!

Yesterday I was surprised that she could put all the shapes into the little red/blue ball that has circles, squares, stars, triangles....etc. 

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