Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

We had a really good Thanksgiving. On Wednesday we went to my parent's house in San Antonio but on the way out we found some great chairs at Crate and Barrel that should match the new table Courtney found at Four Hands. She's really found some amazing deals lately. We didn't plan on stopping at the outlet but thought it would be worth looking and next thing we knew we had chairs. I'm so glad we have a Sequoia.

Once we were in San Antonio, we had a wonderful time catching up with the family and meeting some of the new little ones in the family. Bella and Rishi are the newest additions and boy are they cute. Rishi has quite a personality and Bella is so incredibly cute. Kiley played with them for a short time and Courtney got this excellent picture of Rishi tugging on Kiley's hair. But really it was so special to have the three of them together.

Jake had a blast with the 'little kids' as us 'older ones' call them; Pat, Mat and Andrew. They threw the football around and played a little basketball. He actually played a full game of horse. It was pretty cool. He told us he loves waking up with the full house and talking about what to have for breakfast.

Sydney had a blast with Mia. They are seperated by a few years but I think Mia likes hanging with a big kid and Sydney likes the attention. We're going to try to make more time for them to hang out over the Christmas break.

Kiley not feeling well
Our little angel had everyone waiting on her to try to keep her comfortable. She had a fever a few days back that was 104. She definitely improving now but it scared us a little that she was having such a rough time. Mostly she couldn't get comfortable and was so congested that she didn't really want to eat anything. What we hope is the worst of it has passed. Tonight she told me that it was time for bed so I took her up and she was out very quickly.

I watched her most of the night on the monitor and while she's stirred a little, mostly she slept.

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