Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kiddos say the funniest things....

...and our little angel is no different. Kiley has discovered pancakes in a big way. She likes them with no butter and with as much syrup as she can get us to add. I've tried honey but it's just not the same for her so we go with the syrup (or as Kiley says, Styrup). She especially likes the cookie cut out of a little gingerbread man, star or heart. She is so incredibly cute.

Courtney posted this on Facebook yesterday:

You have to laugh when 2 year old yells from the table about 20 times 'Are the pancakes done? Are they all done? Are they all done? ...' and then sighs and says quietly to herself, 'I'm very patient.'

She is so stinkin' cute. :)

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