On 10/21/2008 morning Courtney woke me up about 4 a.m. She told me that today was the day. I knew exactly what that meant. :) We called Jake and Sydney's dad while they slept, grabbed the carefully pre-packed bags (baby bag, computers and other knickknacks , Courtney's overnight, etc. I would have packed a bag for myself if I would have been thinking about it. Pretty smart, huh?), and made sure a few other things were done so that when the kid's got up they would have very little to do before coming to the hospital. I did however pull the camera out with the intention of putting it in our bag and forgot it anyway. Not such a great thing to forget on such a momentus occasion. But God provides and fortunately there were plenty of cameras around when we needed them and our wonderful friend Mona left her's so that we could continue even after everyone was gone.
Along the way knowing this could be a long morning, we stopped for a nutritious breakfast at Whataburger, that's right taquitos. I am mexican after all. After the short detour we were on our way. We made easy time so early in the morning and check in was a piece of cake. Once we got to our room it wasn't long before the IV was in place and the epidural was underway (about 1.5 hours). I didn't watch the IV because I've seen that so much on ER and House it just didn't hold any interest for me, that, and I hate the site of needles. However the epidural, I was very curious about. Courtney told me they stick a needle in your spine and I wondered how they went about that and allowed you to lay down at the same time. So I watched 'em do that. For those of you that watch the many medical dramas on television you probably have seen them do a spinal tap. I was a little afraid it would be something similar but Courtney didn't seem to be in that kind of pain. She sat kris-kros apple sauce while they put in the needle that was connected to a long micro tubular thing-a-ma-jig (you can say that in Texas) that connected to the medication. You can see it in this picture....IV in usual spot, micro tubular thing running along the Court's right side, over the bed to that thing by my head.

So Courtney is all ready to go. Now all we need is a little petocin to go with those fluids to get labor really moving. I almost forgot....just before the petocin and the epidural Dr. McIntyre manually broke Courtney's water. It looked like it hurt. OUCH.
So then we waited....I had this call I needed to be on and at the time thought that I left the camera in the car, because there is no way I would have forgotten it, right? So while I took the work related call I went out to the parking garage. The call was a really big deal and it seemed safe enough to spend time on the call. Right before I left to the garage Courtney's Mom arrived and we had already talked to Mona. She was on her way. I left Court with her Mom and headed to the garage for the camera and to make get on the call. When I got back to the room the kids had arrived. We were now ready to welcome baby Kiley into the world.
The next few hours were filled with "how much longer" and "why can't we stay in the room the whole time" and "when is baby Kiley coming", but never "this is boring". We reassured the kiddos as much as possible that it would not be long and that it would be so exciting when she was here. Overall the kids were fantastic....and their Gran was fantastic. Gran stayed and entertained them the whole time we were in the delivery room which amounted to a few hours. She feed them, took them to the gift shop to buy stuff for their new baby sister (and themselves) and when they didn't have anything left to do they worked on homework or read. She was dynamite! The kids as anxious as they were, occupied themselves and were pretty awesome. I wasn't out in the halls but every time Jake stepped into our room he was out of breath. I'm sure it was from the excitement and not the running in the hallways. Imagine a 9 year old kiddo full of joy running to see his momma who was about to have a little baby girl, his sister. Every time he came into the room he was smiling. I don't think he could have helped it if he tried. The kids are not suppose to be in the delivery room at any time unless they are at least 12. But Jake and Syd didn't seem to mind that rule was in place and often stopped by, possibly by eluding the nurses in the halls, to stay until they were kicked out by the checkup visits by our nurse (her name was Tina). Tina was a pretty good sport about it but shoo-ed them off each time.
After being in the room for almost 8 hours it was time. Dr. McIntyre and Tina both agreed and when it was time they let Courtney know that she should not push until they were ready. They wheeled in a cart that had everything they needed for after Kiley arrived. Stuff to wipe her up with and stuff to get mom ready for delivery.
When it was time they pulled half the bed apart and set it aside and put Courtney's legs up in stirrups. Probably very comfortable but it's just one of those things. Once she began pushing it was the most incredible thing. Kiley appeared almost instantly and with two more pushes she was out. She was beautiful, she was amazing, the most adorable little girl you could imagine. Dr. Mac held her for a just a few seconds and in that time she began to cry. The first thing I noticed was all the black hair on her little head. It was just about the first thing everyone has noticed. She had 10 fingers, 10 toes (okay the toes were especially cute.)
Little Fingers
Little Funky Toes
I was so excited to have our little girl all grown up (in baby terms) and ready to enjoy. It difficult to describe what I was feeling but I think excited is an understatement. Courtney was fine, the baby was fine, and I was just so happy. She was wrapped in a blanket immediately after I cut the umbilical cord and handed to her lovely mother. The moment was very real and she looked gorgeous. I kissed Courtney and I kissed Kiley.
We remained in the room for about an hour with visitors and staff coming in and out. The staff was really wonderful. They were very conscientious about making sure we had all the time we wanted with our little girl before doing all the usual measurements, foot printing, and weighing. Ruth handled all of that and she was outstanding, explaining everything to Jake and Sydney as she did them and even allowing them to help out. Very sweet.
After all the excitement of the new sister Jake was famished and proceeded to make sure he was ready for the day ahead by eating up mom's lunch (it was meatloaf and mom's mostly vegetarian anyway. HA!!)
Jake having a bite to eat after delivery
Kiley had quite a crowd on her first day on the outside. :) She had her parents, Jake, Sydney, Gran, Wanda, Mona, Pam (who happened to be passing through around the time Kiley was born). And Afterwards, when we were in our permanent room Jeff stopped by, then my parents from San Antonio, Joan came in about the time we were putting Kiley to bed but we didn't mind too much 'cause she had the most awesome cookies and milk :), then the following morning, Gran, Nancy and Wade made an appearance.