Our close family friend Mona, who was at the hospital bearing lots of wonderful gifts (including food, a beautiful and very special hand-made baby blanket, her camera to borrow, support and encouragement, and her help with entertaining Jake & Sydney), emailed me this...
When we were at the nursery looking at Kiley, Jake had a moment:) He walked up and down in front of the nursery windows and then sat down on the opposite side of the hall against the door... and in a very soft voice and to no one in particular said "wow.... I just can't believe it happened. I can't believe she's really here." It was like he just had to sit down and absorb it. I thought it was beautiful, and showed such a sweet side of Jake.
We all continue to be in love with our baby. Sydney wants to hold her every chance she gets and Jake still seems just amazed at her presence and how tiny & precious she is!
We're excited about Halloween - had doughnuts for breakfast (Jake had three - my apologies to his teachers :) and can't wait to trick or treat. Jake is going with his Dad and Bryce and other friends from that neighborhood. Sydney is going as Hannah Montana with her friend Bria and we're planning to take Kiley along as Tigger. We will definitely have some pictures to post. The kids had a blast decorating the yard a couple of days ago, and Martin & Sydney carved a pumpkin last night - so we'll get pictures of all of that to share.
We all continue to be in love with our baby. Sydney wants to hold her every chance she gets and Jake still seems just amazed at her presence and how tiny & precious she is!
We're excited about Halloween - had doughnuts for breakfast (Jake had three - my apologies to his teachers :) and can't wait to trick or treat. Jake is going with his Dad and Bryce and other friends from that neighborhood. Sydney is going as Hannah Montana with her friend Bria and we're planning to take Kiley along as Tigger. We will definitely have some pictures to post. The kids had a blast decorating the yard a couple of days ago, and Martin & Sydney carved a pumpkin last night - so we'll get pictures of all of that to share.
In the meantime, here are a few more photos from the hospital. 
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