Baby Kiley - 10/21/08

I realized I never let people know we are home from the hospital. We came home yesterday around 3:30. Our first night was great - Kiley slept for one stretch of about four hours and then was up while we got the kids ready & off to school and then she slept again for about five hours. I got in a little bit of work and a nap, then we picked up kids from school (early release day) and took Kiley to the Dr. for her first appointment (a condition of getting out of the hospital when she was just over 24 hours old). We went to Delaware Subs for lunch after the appointment - her first restaurant experience :). Sydney was a huge help and the Dr. says Kiley is perfect, which is just what we think. Jake arranged a playdate after school so was gone much of the afternoon and then when we got home Sydney invited a friend to play so she had some fun time as well. We found out that some of the neighbors arranged to bring us dinner every other night for a week or two. We feel very fortunate to have such great support. I'll write more about that later - we have received many wonderful gifts and have many people to thank.
here's the proud papa
and Mom getting a first good look at her sweet new baby
our first family photo
I'm going to sleep now while Kiley's sleeping. She slept a lot today so I'm worried she'll be up tonight and I didn't sleep much during the day today. I'll write again tomorrow and post more photos - we have plenty! There are some really cute ones of the kids holding the baby for the first time.
beautiful pictures! I love seeing Martin hold his precious tiny little girl!!!
So precious!!
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