Friday, November 27, 2009

Head Shots

Today I did head shots for my business. In speaking with a couple of ladies who own High Wire Creative and are wonderful local web designers, I described my business and what differentiates me. One of the things I hear the most is that I am a programmer that people can communicate with. I also think that being a woman in a mostly male dominated business is a differentiator. Our conversations led them to believe that my image should be part of my 'branding' in re-doing my website, so I took the plunge and had headshots done. It seems a little weird and I feel kind of self-conscious about it, but these entrepreneurs have designed absolutely stunning business cards for a couple of other businesses using the logo and contact info on the front and a head shot on the back. And, in considering images to use on my website it seemed to make sense to have a decent business-related picture of me there as well. So, here are the results below, and I'll keep you guys posted as I get the final logo and business card designs and start to work on the overhaul of my website. If anyone needs something like this, I would highly recommend Korey Howell. She does family shoots and other stuff as well.


Katie Eaton Photography said...

I love that one of you on the top left ...

kcrack said...

Oh my gosh!!! These turned out BEAUTIFUL!!! I love all of them. You are sooooo photogenic! LOVE THEM!