Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10/21/08, 12:56 p.m., 8 lbs., 3 oz. and 20 1/2 inches

She's here! Baby Kiley was born yesterday with a full head of black hair, a big appetite, long fingers and toes, and a little 'angel's kiss' birthmark on the bridge of her nose. It's amazing to think that she was growing on the inside yesterday and now here she sits in my lap so complete and perfect. The delivery was very easy and we had no issues with the baby or with me. We are hoping to go home today but apparently since I had Sydney they changed the standard stay from one night to two. My Dr. has released me to go home whenever I'm ready, but we haven't seen the pediatrician so it will hinge on what he says. Kiley has been with us in the room for all but about an hour yesterday when they bathed her and checked her out. We had a pretty good night. She slept for one stretch of about 2 1/2 hours and I awoke feeling rested... HA! It's amazing how quickly you can become grateful for what little sleep would have seemed pathetic just two nights before. I've slept about 7 or 8 very interrupted hours in the last two nights, but I feel good all things considered. I'm a little bit sore but have only taken a couple of motrin for pain. My back aches probably from some combo of contractions and the epidural, but it already feels better than it did yesterday and I'm starting to feel like I can move around again after feeling so sluggish and awkward at the end of the pregnancy.
I talked to my Mom this morning and she said that Jake couldn't sleep last night he was so excited about the baby. He was angling to stay home from school again today so he could see her. They both really want to be there when the baby goes home for the first time - to see her in the house, in her bed, and see the dog's reactions :). If it works out perfectly today, maybe we'll get out of here in time to pick them up from school and then all go home together. That would be ideal. We have pictures that we will post later - so check back for updates!


Rob said...

Welcome Kiley. The Sartins are looking forward to meeting you.

heather said...

Congratulations!!!! Glad to hear everyone is happy & healthy! I'll look forward to seeing photos!